About school...
Last week there was a class that I was pretty frustrated with because I wasn't able to turn in my final assignment the way it was suppose to be. I finally got it turned in, and I tried to talk to the instructor, but he was sick the end of last week. So I figured I would just wait and see if he accepts it, what grade he gives me, then dispute it if it didn't seem fair. I checked my grades yesterday morning, and it turns out that he accepted it and gave me an "A". I was pretty excited! And I looked this morning for the other class that ended last week, and I ended up with a "B" in it. I thought I was going to finish with a "C" in that course, but there were a couple homework assignments that she hadn't posted yet, so it brought my grade up.
About being an uncle...
Casey sent this really cute picture of Ainsley to me yesterday, and I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I saw it. She has started pulling herself up on things now, and sometimes she gets to a point where she can't move. She got caught in a semi-split, and Casey and Erin decided to take a picture of her before they helped her out. Check it out...

You can't help but smile when you see this and think about what has to be going through her mind!!!
Have I ever mentioned that I love being an uncle???