Saying goodbye has got to be one of the hardest things to do. It was really tough the other night, because I had to say goodbye to my Rottweiler, McKayla. I had her since the day she was born in 2000. I watched her grow, raised her the best I could, and enjoyed every day that she was with me. A few years ago, it was determined that she had hip displacia in both of her back hips...which means that her hip joints basically didn't exist. Her hips were being held together by muscle, and nothing else. It was tough on her, especially standing up after laying down for a while. But she would never hesitate to run around the back yard and play with me, even if she would hurt. She wouldn't stop until I did. So, Wednesday night, I made the decision to ease her pain. I'm going to miss her, but she's not hurting now, and that's what gives me comfort.
R.I.P. McKayla 11/13/00-05/03/07"

The pictures are the only pics of her that I have at my apartment, and I had to take pictures of pictures with my phone to get the top 2. The first one is of her at 6 weeks old. The second one is of me and her at the top of Hanging Rock...even with her bad hips. The bottom picture is the last picture I ever took of her.