The first was Healthy Kids' Day that I helped with at the Steele Creek YMCA. One of the staff there was able to get Jonathan Stewart from the Carolina Panthers to come over and spend some time taking pictures and signing autographs. I got my picture taken with him too.
Then, a couple weeks ago we had our 10th Annual Golf

I also get to see other celebrities every once in a while at my YMCA. Josh McCown (NFL Quarterback), Dan Morgan (former NFL Linebacker), Ty Lawson (NBA Point Guard), and one day I was about to walk into my office when Brad Hoover (former Carolina Panthers Fullback) walked by. As most of the people who read this know, we went to school with Brad and his brother Joey. It was cool to see Brad that day, and to get the chance to talk to him for a few minutes. His 10 years in the NFL haven't changed the type of person he is. He's still the good old boy from Davidson County.
Besides work, I need to update everyone on my nieces and nephew. That's the real reason why I set up this blog. Well, Rylee and Brayden are both 1 year old now. We had a little party for them in Greensboro a couple weeks ago, and it was great! Both of them developing their personalities, moving all over the place, and trying to talk. Ainsley is as cute as ever. Her second birthday is coming up next month. She has moved from calling me "Bob" to calling me "Cursis." Every once in a while I still get a "Bob" out of her, but it's too cute to correct her. And CJ is just awesome! I went with Allen and the girls to a baseball game last weekend while I was in Raleigh, and it was so cute to see CJ watching the game, playing with Rylee, and trying to remember the words to "The Old Ballgame" when the 7th Inning Stretch came around. I love my nieces and nephew so much! I'm so glad I get to be their uncle!