Saturday, October 17, 2009

Going to Texas

Well, in just under a week, I will be flying back to Texas. Casey, Erin, and Ainsley are moving to NC!!! I'm so excited to have them in NC, even though they will still be a couple hours away. But it will be nice to be able to go visit with them. I'm going out to help Casey finish packing up, then we'll be putting Erin's car behind a moving truck and driving back. It's gonna take 2 trucks, so that's why I'm going out. Erin will be flying out about an hour and a half after I land, so that she and Ainsley don't have to make the long drive. I'm only gonna be in Texas for 1 night, then we'll drive back Saturday and arrive in Raleigh on least, that's the plan.

This coming Thursday, I'm planning on driving up to Greensboro to meet Nicholas Sparks on his book tour for "The Last Song". I've already read the book, and it's pretty good. The movie comes out next year, along with "Dear John"...another book-turned-movie from Nicholas Sparks.

I'm trying out a new phone...the Blackberry Storm. I had to take the original one back to the store because it started acting up, so they gave me a brand new one. So far, it's doing good. We'll see how it goes. This is why I wanted to try it out though. I'll use it until the end of the year, and if everything is still going good, I'll stick with it. Otherwise, I'll get a new phone.

The nieces and nephews are growing like weeds. Allen just sent me a video of CJ dancing and singing...very cute! I haven't seen CJ and Rylee much, and it's kind of frustrating. Working part-time makes it tough to make the drive to Raleigh. I get to see them Thursday night because I'll be staying there to be able to get to the airport at Raleigh for a 6 AM flight. I hope that things work out sooner than later to where I can visit more without having to worry about gas.

Work is going great! I love the YMCA that I work for. The people are great, and the atmosphere is awesome! There's always something going on, which keeps it interesting. And the events are great! We had our fall festival, we just had our Grand Opening for our new Teaching Kitchen, and we are coming up on our Volunteer Recognition Dinner. This dinner is big for me, because it's honoring all the folks that I coordinate. We had 700 volunteers devote their time over the past 12 months. That's an amazing sense of devotion to the community!

Dad, JR, and I went to the Panthers/Redskins game this past weekend. We got to witness thier first win of the season! And Kory said that a guy from her office got engaged during the break between the 1st and 2nd quarters. Then, after the game, we were walking out of the stadium and bumped into Raymond Hoover (Brad Hoover's dad). I don't think I've seen him since I was in high school. It's always nice to run into people that you haven't seen in a while.

Anyway, just thought I would update since I hadn't in a while. I will try to update more regularly.

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